Wednesday, May 25, 2005

before i type anything else,here's a big

happy birthday!!!

to the one who's turning 15 today!many many happy returns of the day!hope ur day/life goes along smoothly and may Allah give you all tt u wish for[unless if its nt me]

ok.wrote the main thing tt i wanted to write so im more at ease now.doesnt matter whether i write the rest or my obs story.ill try to include every single detail for my di and brother.they've already heard enough abt my obs stories but i wanna put it down here so tt i can recall everything when im older n turn back to my blog.

day 1:
basically all the admin they introduced our instructors to us,then took a ferry to camp 2[camp 1 is the main obs place.where the leadership pple stayed]thn in camp 2,we took on different roles in out watch[team]i was a day i/ thruur he 5 days,there'd be a new day i/c each day.this person wld suck up to the instructor for the i was the day i/c for day 2.more abt tt after selectiong roles,we distributed our dry rations which were supposed to be our breakfast and lunch for the nest 5 days.thn we stuffed them into the obs backpacks which they gave[which smelt worse than some fat ass's BO]so its like the bread tt they gave became


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